More Digital Monster X Version 2 Details Revealed, Pre-Orders Open Soon

The official Bandai page for the Digital Monster X Ver. 2 has been updated and the products have now been listed. The pre-orders will begin today at 11 AM JST.

The X-Antibody form for all 7 Demon Lords has also been revealed. The device they appear in, Red or Purple, is shown by their background color.

The Digimon species which are able to be raised in each device has also been revealed. These two versions contain more species to care for (a total of 60 between the two, 44 per device) than the original Digital Monster X releases. If connected to the original versions, either Black or White, additional characters can be unlocked. A total of 41 Digimon will be debuting on the dot LCD for the first time.

The Digimon experts at WithTheWill have listed the English names for the species available per device:

DMX2 Red

  • Baby I
    • Kiimon
  • Baby II
    • Yaamon
  • Child
    • BlackAgumon X
    • Gomamon X
    • Kokuwamon X
    • Erismon
    • Duskmon
  • Adult
    • DarkTyranomon X
    • Mantaraymon X
    • Kuwagamon X
    • Allomon X
    • Numemon X
    • Filmon
    • Velgrmon
  • Perfect
    • MetalGreymon Virus X
    • LadyDevimon X
    • Ookuwamon X
    • Triceramon X
    • Mammon X
    • Mametyramon
    • Stefilmon
    • KaiserLeomon
  • Ultimate
    • BlackWarGreymon X
    • GrandisKuwagamon
    • Chaosdramon X
    • Rosemon X
    • SkullMammon X
    • Rasenmon Rage Mode
    • Ophanimon: Falldown Mode X
    • Bagramon
    • UltimateBrachimon
    • BeeleStarmon X
    • PrinceMamemon X
    • MetalPiranimon
    • Raihimon
  • Ultimate II
    • Demon X
    • Lillithmon X
    • Leviamon X
    • Barbamon X
    • Beelzebumon X
    • Diablomon X
    • Rasenmon
    • AncientSphinxmon
    • DarknessBagramon

DMX2 Purple

  • Baby I
    • Kiimon
  • Baby II
    • Yaamon
  • Child
    • Impmon X
    • Plotmon X
    • Otamamon X
    • Erismon
    • Duskmon
  • Adult
    • Ogremon X
    • Nefertimon X
    • Seadramon X
    • Allomon X
    • Numemon X
    • Filmon
    • Velgrmon
  • Perfect
    • Vamdemon X
    • Mephismon X
    • MegaSeadramon X
    • MetalPhantomon
    • Mammon X
    • Mametyramon
    • Stefilmon
    • KaiserLeomon
  • Ultimate
    • DarkKnightmon X
    • GigaSeadramon X
    • Chaosdramon X
    • Rosemon X
    • SkullMammon X
    • Rasenmon Rage Mode
    • Cheribumon (Vice) X
    • Bagramon
    • DinoRexmon
    • BeeleStarmon X
    • PrinceMamemon X
    • MetalPiranimon
    • Raihimon
  • Ultimate II
    • Lucemon X
    • Belphemon X
    • Leviamon X
    • Barbamon X
    • Beelzebumon X
    • Diablomon X
    • Rasenmon
    • AncientSphinxmon
    • DarknessBagramon 

The description also reveals that the map system has been enlarged as well, with 45 areas to explore. Like before, each area consists of three enemies to defeat in succession.

Let us know what you think about the exciting new look at both the Digital Monster X 2 Red and Purple!