Premium Bandai has opened pre-orders for the Digital Monster X3 (DMX3) and released new information about the two versions, Yellow and Blue! Readers outside of Japan will need to click on the link twice if they are redirected to the Bandai international site the first time. Pre-orders on the Japanese site are open until December 2 with an expected shipping date of March 2020.
The new versions are a follow up to the Digital Monster X2 that went up for pre-order earlier this summer.
Digital Monster X3 Yellow & Blue Features
New X-Antibody Digimon

The DMX3 introduces several new X-Antibody forms for existing Digimon. We’ve included their English names from left to right, with versions being noted in parenthesis:
- First row: Gankoomon X (Yellow) and Examon X (Blue)
- Second row: Justinmon X (Yellow), Terriermon X (Yellow) and RiseGreymon X (Blue)
- Third row: Rapidmon X (Yellow), Wizarmon X (Blue) and Monzaemon X (Blue)
New roster of Digimon to raise

We also have the full roster of Digimon that you can raise on the device, 50 on each. In total there are 76 unique Digimon between the versions. Thanks to With the Will, we have a list of their English names:
Digital Monster X3 Yellow:
- Baby I: Zerimon, Kuramon
- Baby II: Gumimon, Tsumemon
- Child: Terriermon X, Palmon X, Dorumon, Blucomon, Jazamon, Keramon X
- Adult: Siesamon X, Meramon X, Dorugamon, Pteranomon X, Togemon X, Omekamon, Paledramon, Jazardmon
- Perfect: OmegaShoutmon X, Cyberdramon X, Dorugreymon, Garudamon X, CannonBeemon, Grademon, Mamemon X, CrysPaledramon, Jazarichmon, Pumpmon
- Ultimate: Rapidmon X, Justimon X, Alphamon, Hououmon, TigerVespamon, Holydramon X, DinoTigermon, Ebemon X, Metallicdramon, Gaioumon, ???, ???
- Ultimate [2]: Gankoomon X, Magnamon X, Dynasmon X, Craniummon X, RhodoKnightmon X, Dukemon X, Alphamon Ouryuken, Diablomon X
- Ultimate [3]: ???, ???
Digital Monster X3 Blue:
- Baby I: Kokomon, Kuramon
- Baby II: Chocomon, Tsumemon
- Child: Lopmon X, Shakomon X, Ryudamon, Blucomon, Jazamon, Keramon X
- Adult: Pegasusmon X, Wizarmon X, Ginryuumon, Tailmon X, Tylomon X, Omekamon, Paledramon, Jazardmon
- Perfect: Monzaemon X, RiseGreymon X, Hisyaryumon, Angewomon X, Anomalocarimon, Grademon, Mamemon X, CrysPaledramon, Jazarichmon, Pumpmon
- Ultimate: Cherubimon (Good) X, Goddramon X, Ouryuumon, Ophanimon X, Plesiomon X, Holydramon X, DinoTigermon, Ebemon X, Metallicdramon, Gaioumon, ???, ???
- Ultimate [2]: Examon X, UlforceVeedramon X, Duftmon X, Sleipmon X, Jesmon X, Omegamon X, Alphamon Ouryuken, Diablomon X
- Ultimate [3]: ???, ???
Adventure Mode

The adventure mode returns in the DMX3 and has 45 areas to explore.